Cutting lead subnautica series#
Subnautica: Below Zero is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Vortex Torpedo - 1 x Titanium, 1 x Magnetite.Thumper - 1 x Battery, 1 x Titanium, 1 x Magnetite.Thermal Plant - 1 x Aerogel, 2 x Magnetite, 5 x Titanium.
Snowfox - 1 x Battery, 1 x Lubricant, 1 x Titanium, 2 x Magnetite.
Cutting lead subnautica upgrade#
Scanner Room Range Upgrade - 1 x Copper Ore, 1 x Magnetite.Scanner Room HUD Chip - 1 x Computer Chip, 1 x Magnetite.Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon - 1 x Computer Chip, 1 x Lithium, 2 x Magnetite, 5 x Titanium.Executive Toy - 1 x Titanium, 1 x Magnetite.Here's a look at everything that can be made with Magnetite: It features multiple cut tools, base structures, creatures, and items. Lead is a valuable resource in Subnautica: Below Zero, as it allows you to craft Enameled Glass (used to craft valuable Depth upgrades for the Seatruck and Prawn Suit) as well as Reactor Rods, which are used in the Nuclear Reactor late-game to generate loads of energy. There are eight different recipes that utilize Magnetite and players will need approximately 18 pieces of Magnetite if they want to build every recipe at least once. This page serves to chronicle any significant content that was cut from the final version of Subnautica. An outline should appear, marking where the item can be placed. Players that want to experience all they possibly can in the Indie underwater release will need to collect a multitude of Magnetite pieces. Point the Habitat Builder at the desired location for the item.

The material is actually rather versatile and is used across an array of recipes in multiple mediums. Players should become familiar with Magnetite as quickly as possible when they begin their journey through Subnautica. RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero - What's the Thermos For? Where To Find Magnetite In Subnautica To better showcase how important Magnetite is in Subnautica: Below Zero, the following guide has been updated to include better clarity in where players can snag some Magnetite and exactly what it's used for. Those that played the original Subnautica know how important Magnetite can be when it comes to building and upgrading specific parts of the player's toolkit and base. Thanks to an array of updates, players are still having a blast building their underwater bases and exploring the far reaches of the new (and cold) game world. Updated June 21st, 2022 by Russ Boswell: Subnautica: Below Zero continues to fascinate fans of the Indie underwater release well after its initial unveiling. Whether that be upgrading the Scanner Room, making energy sources for the player's bases, or even crafting missiles, all types of players are going to need Magnetite at one point or another.

Magnetite's magnetic properties make it incredibly useful for a number of things in Subnautica: Below Zero.
Cutting lead subnautica how to#
With that in mind, it's important to know where to find Magnetite and how to harvest it. In total, there are eight uses for Magnetite throughout the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, Scanner Room, and Snowfox Hoverpad, making it an important resource that players are going to need quite a bit of down the line. Players can find Magnetite Ore during their exploits, and it quickly becomes apparent how useful this material is. Magnetite is the most magnetic naturally occurring mineral on Earth, and it seems that this may be the case for Subnautica: Below Zero's Planet 4546B as well.